February 20, 2005

Bid Evaluations in Full Swing

Lots happening in the 2012 bidding wars in the past few weeks. The IOC's evaluation committee is in the middle of its site tour, having just arrived in New York. The committee has already completed their inspections of Madrid and, most recently, London, where the Queen did her part by waving.

Earlier, I wrote that we could probably write off New York's bid, and not a lot has happened to change my mind. There is still a lot of public negativity about the bid (see NewYorkGames.org for some of the details), and the U.S. is going to be a long shot anyway. There will probably be a bit of a bounce in optimism after the visit, but I still think that the real chances are pretty slim.

The odds on London have improved since the committee visit, but early favourite Paris hasn't had theirs yet. The IOC's decision will be made this summer. Meanwhile, you can follow all the press releases at GamesBids.com, if you're interested.

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